
Additional keys appearing in the package.json after running chromatic publish for the first time

Kamratow opened this issue · 1 comments

Well, I guess this is not a bug but I cannot find any explanation regarding this.
When I try to run chromatic publish without "chromatic" in my package.json scripts I get prompted with question if I want to add "chromatic" to scripts. If I will confirm then the script is added but along with it there are some additional key added to package.json.
Tried it with the test repo ( and there were 4 new keys added: "bugs", "homepage", "readme", "_id".

Can you tell me where does it come from and is it needed in any way for Chromatic to work properly? Just wondering as if this is not needed then I would prefer to remove this from package.json in my project as there will be no point in keeping those. For example for "readme" value is always "ERROR: No README data found!" and the "_id" key value is the current package name with version (this info is already present in the package.json so not sure why we should duplicate this). For me this looks like some kind of unwanted side effect of the script responsible for adding the chromatic command to package.json but still maybe it's somehow useful

I'm using chromatic 6.15.0 as the project I'm going to use it for is running on some older version of node and which is not compatible with newest version of chromatic.

An example of keys added to test repo package.json (they were added to the bottom as last keys):
"bugs": { "url": "" }, "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!", "homepage": "", "_id": "@storybook/design-system@7.13.1"