
Error: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Publishing a subset of stories is no longer supported

gkio opened this issue · 2 comments

gkio commented

Bug report

We are using chromatic@6.11 to publish our Storybook, but we're receiving an error that says "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: Publishing a subset of stories is no longer supported. Make sure to include all stories in your Storybook and remove the --preserve-missing flag." The error occurs when using the following command:

yarn chromatic --ci --exit-zero-on-changes --only-story-names 'Project/Screens/**' --exit-once-uploaded --projectToken=XXXX

We believe this error is caused by the --only-story-names flag, which we're using to publish a subset of stories. According to the error message.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue, as it is imperative that we are able to publish our Storybook using chromatic-cli and selectively choose specific screens for publication, rather than all of them. Thank you in advance for your help.

The first error occurred on May 8, 2023 at 12:42pm GMT+0400

Hello @gkio, we've completely removed support for --preserve-missing as of today, but --preserve-missing may still be triggered for anyone not using Chromatic v16.17.3. Can you upgrade your CLI for now? We will disconnect --preserve-missing from --only-story-names for older versions of CLI.