
Feature: Easier logger override for wrapping Chromatic-node inside an NX-executor

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Feature request

I've created a NX-executor for running Chromatic-node. At this moment the log is written outside of the context of my NX-executor. If i would be able to wrap/capture the output of Chromatic logging. This would allow me to put all output in a single collapsible-panel in the CI-pipeline.

I know that it's possible to capture the output of the Chromatic-cli-version, but then i don't have the detail-output which i now have by using the Chromatic-node.

Proposed solution

If possible: provide an optional logger-parameter in the "run"-function instead of calling createLogger.

Alternative solutions

I tried to override "console.log/console.error/...", but that resulted in a stack-overflow. Probably because the logger wrote to itself and caused recursion.

I think i could also copy the "run"-function and tweak it., before calling the runAll-function. But that's quite a dirty hack.

Additional context

Below is the code of my custom executor. In the executor i check for the result of Chromatic and write a special error-string to the console for Azure DevOps. This special string will become visible in the build-run-overview, which is more user-friendly.

export default async function runExecutor(options: ChromaticExecutorSchema, context: ExecutorContext): Promise<any> {
  const outputDir = getBuildTargetOutputDir(options, context);

  try {
    const chromaticOptions: ChromaticOptions = {} as ChromaticOptions;

    if (options.onlyChanged != '') {
      chromaticOptions.onlyChanged = options.onlyChanged;

    if (options.exitZeroOnChanges != '') {
      chromaticOptions.exitZeroOnChanges = options.exitZeroOnChanges;

    if (options.exitOnceUploaded != '') {
      chromaticOptions.exitOnceUploaded = options.exitOnceUploaded;

    if (options.autoAcceptChanges != '') {
      chromaticOptions.autoAcceptChanges = options.autoAcceptChanges;

    if (options.allowConsoleErrors) {
      chromaticOptions.allowConsoleErrors = true;

    if (options.token) {
      chromaticOptions.projectToken = options.token;

    chromaticOptions.storybookBuildDir = outputDir;

    const result = await ChromaticRun({ options: chromaticOptions });
    // Temporary result output to tweak further.
    logger.log('Result:', result);

    if (result.code != 0) {
      if (result.url && !process.env['CI']) {
        logger.log(`##vso[task.logissue type=error]Chromatic result for "${context.projectName}": ${result.url}`);
      return { success: false };
  } catch (e) {
    return { success: false };
  return { success: true };

With v7.5.0. we introduced chromatic.log, a file where logs are written to. Would that work for you? You could tail -f chromatic.log, although in interactive mode (TTY) it won't contain any of the step progress until the build is complete.

Probably not, because we run commands in parallel. Probably this would cause issues.

Is there maybe any progress to be reported on this issue?

No progress. It seems you're using the Node API (run from chromatic/node), is that right? I'm open to have run accept log via the options object. I imagine the same would be useful for sessionId and env. Something like this:

const { sessionId = uuid(), env = getEnv(), log = createLogger(), ...extraOptions } = options;

Happy to accept a PR for this. Unfortunately I cannot prioritize picking this up myself right now. I can create an internal ticket for it though.

Hi @ghengeveld ,

I provided the PR #897 897

@work933k Yep, it shipped in 10.8.0. Thanks!