
system and integration testing

Opened this issue · 8 comments

While unit tests can detect breakage in individual units, it would be nice to know whether the whole system works together.

I think we can set up some virtual machines and do automated tests on testnet or testnet-in-a-box.

I'm not familiar with best practices in this area, so I'd like to know which options are available. (Just some bash/python scripts?)

Squish seems like a decent possibility:

I can start on this after I finish up some more unit tests.

Hm, it looks like we can get pretty far with just python unit tests:

Actually I'd rather test command-line (or RPC) versions first. GUI testing can be cumbersome,

Can we close this?

If I understand correctly, we have unit tests now, but they are no substitute for system tests (i.e. checking it live incl. interactions with bitcoind and so on).

color-explorer-vagrant sets up a VM, downloads the blockchain, and I can have it do some simple color transactions. The problem is, to do some actual live color transactions, you'd have to feed it some test-coins every time you want to do a test. Wouldn't that be hard to automate?

I guess it could feed the test coin back when it's done testing. does actual integration testing using testnet and bitcoind.

p2p has mostly integrated tests in test_ewctrl and test_agent. let me know if you feel like that's not enough and I can make more stuff.