
Could you create a translation system?

cherinyy opened this issue · 3 comments

I think website should have multiple language versions.

A good goal! In fact, this came up at the HSTS meetup:

Unfortunately, I never had the time to act on it. One-off Google sites also didn't have a good mechanism for accommodating translations. If someone contributes a PR to add support without increasing future maintenance burden (apart from the string translations themselves), @nharper might be able to look into a way to translate the site using Google's process, similar to Chromium.

This could potentially be done using fluent.js npm, which is the JS implementation of Project Fluent.

To do this server-side, it might be easier to use some templating and fluent-rs, since Rust is compiled to a native binary like Go, but I don’t know how well those two languages interface with each other.

I think it would be strongly preferable to do this using the existing languages.

There are mainly two kinds of strings:

  • Static, in the HTML.
  • Server-side, returned via the API.

It would be nice to handle both in Go, although a smooth solution in JS can be useful for most users.