
Please make the removal page more scary/realistic

Darkspirit opened this issue · 1 comments

  • I understand that switchting back to http:// would be a violation against Article 32 EU GDPR.
  • I understand that removing my domain from the HSTS preloading list would make me and my users more likely vulnerable to downgrade attacks and I confirm my liability about this.
  • I am aware that intelligence agencies intercept internet traffic and may even do full takes of certain protocols.
  • I am aware that anybody can find out this bad action and that this may lead to bad press.
  • Yes, I am too incompetent to find another solution for my problem.
  • Yes, I really want to remove my domain from the list.

I appreciate the enthusiasm!

Although there are stronger incentives for HTTPS, my impression is that a scarier checklist will not necessarily help discourage the kinds of removal requests we see:

We should also not overstate things: Article 32 of the GDPR says security should be "appropriate to the risk", bad press purely due to lack of preload HSTS is actually a fairly low risk for the kinds of sites that ask for removal, and we should not be condescending to site operators who are often making a frustrating tradeoff already.

Also note that the removal form right now purposely has no checkboxes. If we add some stronger language, I think it would be better to add it to the page directly.