Unexplained warning
teh-maxh opened this issue · 1 comments
teh-maxh commented
My site gets a warning for having an "unusually long" max-age. However, the warning message does not explain why this deserves to be a warning condition. (I've also tried searching this repo for information, but the warning message is not anywhere to be found.)
nharper commented
The warning comes from the hstspreload library at https://github.com/chromium/hstspreload/blob/be995c98f169479ab1938d94ecad0d95b42ea31a/header.go#L241.
This warning appears if the max-age is greater than 10 years. The reason for this warning is that browsers cap how large of a max-age it will store (for example, if Chrome sees a max-age greater than 365 days, it rounds the max-age down to 365 days).