
Add FAQ for not detecting header when other sites do

nharper opened this issue · 1 comments

Some websites will check what headers a website is serving and those reports sometimes conflict with what says for a domain's Strict-Transport-Security header. Usually this conflict is because other scanning websites follow redirects while looks at the headers on the response to the original request. (One such example of a scanning site is, which defaults to following redirects.)

We should consider adding an FAQ section with an entry addressing this. (The Q could be something like " says my domain isn't serving the Strict-Transport-Security header, but other tools see it. What's happening?")

Sounds pretty sensible, if you're facing a lot of such questions.

Although this issue probably affects less technical users, I would also suggest generating a curl command that shows exactly the main request being tested against, e.g. curl -I "". We could also add richer information to error messages to this end.

(We do have the hstspreload CLI that's easy to install if you have Go on your system, but I don't think that's going to be as intuitive: go install; hstspreload preloadabledomain