Crash when allow_os_execution is set to true in CefResourceRequestHandler::OnProtocolExecution
Closed this issue · 1 comments
My application set allow_os_execution
to true at CefResourceRequestHandler::OnProtocolExecution
However, this implementation crashes when opening zoom address.
Skype link crashes as well.
To Reproduce
It can also be reproduced with cefclient by changing ClientHandler::OnProtocolExecution
Set allow_os_execution
to true when the scheme is "zoommtg:"
(For Skype, use "skype:")
Expected behavior
If zoom application is installed, it will be launched.
- OS: Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (Japanese)
- CEF Version: cef_binary_129.0.11+g57354b8+chromium-129.0.6668.90_windows32
- Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.11.5
- Win SDK 10.0.22621.3233
It was fine up to CEF 127, but crashes after 128.
I cannot reproduce the phenomenon with Google Chrome.
CEF Forum
Partial stack trace from the forum post:
libcef.dll!logging::CheckError::~CheckError() 行 334 C++
libcef.dll!base::ScopedValidateSequenceChecker::ScopedValidateSequenceChecker(const base::SequenceCheckerImpl & checker) 行 21 C++
[インライン フレーム] libcef.dll!base::internal::WeakReference::Flag::IsValid() 行 38 C++
libcef.dll!base::internal::WeakReference::IsValid() 行 75 C++
[インライン フレーム] libcef.dll!base::WeakPtr<content::RenderFrameHost>::get() 行 236 C++
[インライン フレーム] libcef.dll!content::WeakDocumentPtr::AsRenderFrameHostIfValid() 行 43 C++
libcef.dll!`anonymous namespace'::HandleExternalProtocolHelper(ChromeContentBrowserClientCef * self, base::RepeatingCallback<content::WebContents *()> web_contents_getter, int frame_tree_node_id, content::NavigationUIData * navigation_data, bool is_primary_main_frame, bool is_in_fenced_frame_tree, network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags, const network::ResourceRequest & resource_request, const std::__Cr::optional<url::Origin> & initiating_origin, content::WeakDocumentPtr initiator_document) 行 64 C++
libcef.dll!net_service::`anonymous namespace'::InterceptedRequestHandlerWrapper::OnRequestComplete(int request_id, const network::ResourceRequest & request, const network::URLLoaderCompletionStatus & status) 行 1124 C++
libcef.dll!net_service::InterceptedRequest::OnDestroy() 行 1162 C++
Looks like the WeakDocumentPtr is being accessed on the wrong thread. InterceptedRequestHandlerWrapper::OnRequestComplete (the caller) is running on the IO thread, but HandleExternalProtocolHelper should be called on the UI thread.