
CobaltStrike__Resources_Beacon_Dll_All_Versions_MemEnabled.yara missing NOT condition for XMRig C2s

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rule CobaltStrike_Resources_Beacon_Dll_v3_8
    description = "Cobalt Strike's resources/beacon.dll Versions 3.8"
    hash = "67b6557f614af118a4c409c992c0d9a0cc800025f77861ecf1f3bbc7c293d603"
		author = ""
		reference = ""
		date = "2022-11-18"

      48                dec     eax; switch 76 cases
      57                push    edi
      8B F9             mov     edi, ecx
      83 F8 4B          cmp     eax, 4Bh
      0F 87 5D 03 00 00 ja      def_1000100F; jumptable 1000100F default case, cases 6-8,26,30
      FF 24 ??          jmp     ds:jpt_1000100F[eax*4]; switch jump
    $version_sig = { 48 57 8B F9 83 F8 4B 0F 87 5D 03 00 00 FF 24 }
      80 B0 [4] 69   xor     byte_1002E020[eax], 69h
      40             inc     eax
      3D 00 10 00 00 cmp     eax, 1000h
      7C F1          jl      short loc_10008741
    $decoder = { 80 B0 [4] ?? 40 3D 00 10 00 00 7C F1 }
    // XMRig uses a v3.8 sample to trick sandboxes into running their code. 
    // These samples are the same and useless. This string removes many
    // of them from our detection
    $xmrig_srcpath = "C:/Users/SKOL-NOTE/Desktop/Loader/script.go"
    // To remove others, we look for known xmrig C2 domains in the config:
    $c2_1 = "" xor
    $c2_2 = "" xor
    $c2_3 = "" xor
    //$a = /[A-Za-z]{1020}.{4}$/
    $version_sig and $decoder and (2 of ($c2_*) or $xmrig_srcpath)

I believe the intention here was to add a NOT condition before the XMRig C2 domains and srcpath. Proposed rule:

rule CobaltStrike_Resources_Beacon_Dll_v3_8
    description = "Cobalt Strike's resources/beacon.dll Versions 3.8"
    hash = "67b6557f614af118a4c409c992c0d9a0cc800025f77861ecf1f3bbc7c293d603"
		author = ""
		reference = ""
		date = "2022-11-18"

      48                dec     eax; switch 76 cases
      57                push    edi
      8B F9             mov     edi, ecx
      83 F8 4B          cmp     eax, 4Bh
      0F 87 5D 03 00 00 ja      def_1000100F; jumptable 1000100F default case, cases 6-8,26,30
      FF 24 ??          jmp     ds:jpt_1000100F[eax*4]; switch jump
    $version_sig = { 48 57 8B F9 83 F8 4B 0F 87 5D 03 00 00 FF 24 }
      80 B0 [4] 69   xor     byte_1002E020[eax], 69h
      40             inc     eax
      3D 00 10 00 00 cmp     eax, 1000h
      7C F1          jl      short loc_10008741
    $decoder = { 80 B0 [4] ?? 40 3D 00 10 00 00 7C F1 }
    // XMRig uses a v3.8 sample to trick sandboxes into running their code. 
    // These samples are the same and useless. This string removes many
    // of them from our detection
    $xmrig_srcpath = "C:/Users/SKOL-NOTE/Desktop/Loader/script.go"
    // To remove others, we look for known xmrig C2 domains in the config:
    $c2_1 = "" xor
    $c2_2 = "" xor
    $c2_3 = "" xor
    //$a = /[A-Za-z]{1020}.{4}$/
    $version_sig and $decoder and not (2 of ($c2_*) or $xmrig_srcpath)

Thank you for noticing that. It should be fixed now.