
Can you do simple front/back flashcards that include nested answers?

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First of all, thank you for the wonderful tool. It fills a critical gap.

I have two questions:

[1] Is there a way to create a simple front/back flashcard without cloze deletion?

  • (Front) What is the capital of England?
  • (Back) London

[1] Is is possible to create a simple front/back flashcard without cloze deletion? that also allows for a nested answer?

  • (Front) What is the capital of England?
  • (Back) London (Line 1)
    - City of 8m people (Line 2 - nested under line 1)
    - Home of UK Parliament (Line 3)
    - Birthplace of The Clash (Line 4)

In the example above, all four lines on the back of the card would be displayed, not simply line 1.

Thank you very much