
support for RANCID version 3.x

prasad1989 opened this issue · 6 comments


I successfully configured the rancid 3.1 with centos 7 i want to add vendortable dictionary to file rancid-fe but do not know where to exactly add line. i insert line end of file but not working. Please check the rancid-fe file for reference.

! /usr/bin/perl

require 5;

my($router, $devtype) = split(';', $ARGV[0]);
$devtype =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
if (! length($devtype)) {
printf(STDERR "unknown router manufacturer for $router: $devtype\n");

foreach $file ("/usr/local/rancid/etc/rancid.types.base",
"/usr/local/rancid/etc/rancid.types.conf") {
open(INPUT, "< $file") || die "Could not open $file: $!";
while () {
my($type, $directive, $value) = split(';');
$type =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$directive =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
if ($type eq $devtype && $directive eq "script") {
$script = $value;
goto FOUND;

if (! defined($script)) {
printf(STDERR "unknown router manufacturer for $router: $devtype\n");
} else {
exec($script . " $router");

printf(STDERR "exec($script) failed router manufacturer $devtype: $!\n");
'cisco-sb' => 'csbrancid',

It seems that RANCID 3.X has changed considerably and the installation procedure of these scripts has changed. Please recover the original version of rancid-fe file and follow next steps.

Could you very the following steps and tell me if this works?? (to include them in the of the project)

  • Download src/csblogin and src/csbrancid files and put them in the RANCID's PATH (in my case, /opt/rancid/bin). Don't forget to give them execution permissions.
  • In the configuration directory of RANCID (in my case, /opt/rancid/etc), add the following lines to the rancid.types.conf file (create it if necessary, and do not modify the rancid.types.base file):

I added this instructions in commit f6c3fa4 but I need that someone tells me if they are right.

Thanks for creating this script. It's been extremely useful in environments where i support these devices. One issue I have seems to be with the Uptime changing on the device, so it causes rancid to send diffs every hour:

!Unit Up time
!---- ---------------

  • ! 1 253,00:32:08
  • ! 1 253,01:32:09

Please let me know how to go about excluding these changes from updates.


@jbilder I created the issue #14 because your issue is a new one. There (issue #14) I ask you for some information. Thanks!

zito commented

I configured this with Rancid 3.6.1 (from Debian backports) for device SG300-28. It works like a charm.
Thanks for addon!

Thanks for confirming that the setup for rancid 3.x is right!