iOS 13 not working
schenkty opened this issue · 18 comments
What did you do?
I was testing my app on iOS 13 beta 4
What did you expect to happen?
I expected it work as it does on iOS 12
What happened instead?
The color section and sliders were all gray
Hi @schenkty, I haven‘t had the chance to to look into this, yet. But I will try to add iOS 13 support asap. I‘ll keep you in the loop once I‘ve figured out what the issue is. Are you planning to ship an app that is using the lib?
@chrs1885 Yes, the app currently has the lib implemented and is working for iOS 12.
What‘s the name of the app? Is it available on the App Store? Cheers!
@schenkty Unfortunately, there doesn‘t seem to be a fix for that right now. However, I‘m pretty sure that this issue will be addressed in the upcoming beta releases. Otherwise, I‘m gonna wrap the color picker inside a custom action sheet controller. Any thoughts on that?
What is the issue for it not working? It would probably work fine inside a custom action sheet controller if it has to be in one. I have had issues with other frameworks that use customer action sheet controllers where it doesn't work properly on iPads.
Exactly. The main reason why I initially decided to go with Apple‘s controller class was to guarantee an expected look&feel/behaviour for all iOS versions. Let‘s give it another beta or two to see if this gets fixed. It seems like that all views inside the action sheet besides the button are simply cut out 😔
Can you report the issue to Apple? Maybe they can fix it or suggest the best option moving forward.
Well, the documentation says that the alert controller is not ment to be customized. Maybe this is on purpose. There seems to be a guy having the same issue:
Presenting the picker inside an alert instead of an action sheet might be a workaround for now.
If the same functionality can be done with a custom controller. that may be the best option. I wouldn't suggest doing a hot fix to just have to fix it again with another iOS change.
I‘m gonna install iOS 13 on one of my testing devices to see if the music app (which also seems to have custom action sheets) can handle the issue properly. If so, I will start to work on a custom controller that immitates the look and feel 😉
Sounds great! Thank you for the commitment to this repo, it’s truly awesome.
@schenkty Good news. I've managed to get it working on iOS 13. I'm going to publish a new version in the upcoming days.
That is awesome, congratulations! Does it work the same way as before? How does it work on iPad?
It pretty much works the same way as before. Still, the view is based on UIAlterViewController
. Didn't check the behavior on an iPad, though.