
No support in Sonoma 14.0

itsmeagainbruh opened this issue · 5 comments

Does anyone experience the issue of getitng a black screen or the screensaver but the words wont change?

You will need to force open the app, to get around the malware protection on macOS, and then restart.

On apple silicon, thats done by control clicking open the file in finder and then also going to Privacy and Security settings and selecting Open Anyway. Assuming you've already tried to control click there should be a pop-up in that section of settings asking if you want to change the security restrictions for that specific app to Open Anyway. At this point if you try to activate the screen saver you will still just receive a black screen, but if you restart your Mac it should work fine.

TLDR: You will need to force open the app, to get around the malware protection on macOS, and then restart.

On apple silicon, thats done by control clicking open the file in finder and then also going to Privacy and Security settings and selecting Open Anyway. Assuming you've already tried to control click there should be a pop-up in that section of settings asking if you want to change the security restrictions for that specific app to Open Anyway. At this point if you try to activate the screen saver you will still just receive a black screen, but if you restart your Mac it should work fine.

still doesnt work. it still shows as a black screen and in the privacy section it did not have the open anyway option