Jcenter is deprecating
snehabhegade opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Is this repo going to move to mavenCentral() as JCenter() is deprecating?
I really enjoy your repo. But JCenter() is deprecated. Are you still maintaining this repo?
It would be really helpful if you move this repo to mavenCentral ๐
I used this cool android module in my app as well. However, I it would be great to update the repo to maven central as others pointed out. After upgrading to the latest AndroidStudio, my project was not compiling due to that. I had to include the "aar" file as a local library.
I also noticed you can't import the library as per normal so I looked through the forks and found someone put a fork on JitPack:
You can import it into your app like normal in build.gradle
like so:
implementation 'com.github.Android-library-copy-dependencies:SwipeRevealLayout:1.5.2'
Seems to be working as expected thus far
you can also use the original repo sources on jitpack.io:
implementation 'com.github.chthai64:SwipeRevealLayout:1.4.0'
you can also use the original repo sources on jitpack.io:
implementation 'com.github.chthai64:SwipeRevealLayout:1.4.0'
This usage worked for me.
Thanks. @raphael-dario
don't forget to declare the jiptack maven repository url in your project gradle:
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
don't forget to declare the jiptack maven repository url in your project gradle:
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Don't worry about it! My project has already this code block! Fyi. @raphael-dario
U guys can use this
implementation 'com.github.chthai64:SwipeRevealLayout:1.4.0'
as @raphael-dario said, it is working for me