Caffe implementation of Google MobileNet SSD detection network, with pretrained weights on VOC0712 and mAP=0.727.
- 2
add feature map 38x38
#98 opened by OMG59E - 0
A small advice: update the readme
#118 opened by zchrissirhcz - 2
#137 opened by lvpchen - 41
传奇你好,我将ssd结构改成sfd并使用wider face数据集做人脸检测的时候,一开始loss是收敛的(刚开始大概),然后在loss=8的时候震荡
#100 opened by wanghanyang123 - 5
error in running
#131 opened by meixiansen - 1
How to resume training?
#127 opened by tolotrasamuel - 1
why don't convolution depth wise use engine: CUDNN instead of engine: Caffe?
#122 opened by ZhiqiJiang - 1
- 1
how to run it with high speed in tx2
#148 opened by Eutenacity - 5
MobileNet-SSD: Assertion `min_arg < max_arg' failed.
#112 opened by Dudule33 - 1
Is it possible to replace image preprocess(normalization) with a 1x1 conv layer?
#136 opened by RunshengZhu - 2
Error when i use
#134 opened by pluie - 1
- 0
- 0
How to reduce delay in Real-time Face detection?
#109 opened by PiyalGeorge - 0
How to do Face Recognition?
#108 opened by PiyalGeorge - 3
- 3
opencv error
#105 opened by cherryxiongyw - 1
- 1
Check failed: datum_channels > 0
#110 opened by hsweif - 0
std::length_error on train
#146 opened by FSet89 - 0
transform dada shape is zero
#144 opened by zhoupan9109 - 0
- 0
training model with no bias very slow to converge?
#142 opened by ndcuong91 - 0
- 0
How can i modify the input size?
#139 opened by pluie - 2
MobileNet-SSD inputsize192x192
#99 opened by caoqichun - 0
#138 opened by nawei87 - 0
Merge_bn accuracy 0
#135 opened by JinyangGuo - 2
- 0
false detection as negative samples
#130 opened by lvpchen - 1
Cannot find lmdb when training
#124 opened by afantideng - 1
forward time and model size
#128 opened by yja1 - 2
Killed when run on jetson TX2
#126 opened by FelixCaae - 1
Does evaluate mAP of detection?
#111 opened by voqtuyen - 0
How many flops does this use?
#125 opened by hazemati - 1
How to reduce the number of classes ?
#117 opened by tolotrasamuel - 0
training stuck at iter 0 and stops without throwing any error ,i used docker image cpu on google cloud,
#123 opened by manoj652 - 0
failed to upgrade deploy.prototxt while using caffe's upgrade_net_proto_text tool
#121 opened by xiaofengren - 2
Try training the MobileNet SSD network for Caltech Dataset, but keeps got loss = 0.
#116 opened by DanielXu123 - 0
- 0
- 0
Where can we find the model trained with MSCOCO dataset only ? (90 classes)
#114 opened by tolotrasamuel - 1
Why after the iteration of 20000 times, the loss oscillates around 1.4, no longer reduces
#113 opened by HappyKerry - 1
run, the result was incorrect
#107 opened by lunalulu - 0
- 1
caffe.NetParameter: 1177:17: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "permute_param".
#102 opened by s0r2637 - 0
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how to finetune MobileNet-SSD?
#103 opened by xufeifeiWHU - 0
Accuracy Testing
#101 opened by arisha07