
copy: supported only in the Desktop version

hacker-DOM opened this issue · 5 comments

I installed rlwrap with homebrew. In the shell I get

✦ ❯ --shell       
type 'help' for the shell help> xargs> c
copy: supported only in the Desktop version

The above comment doesn't show the output of xargs, but it is correctly opened in less

I am seeing the same problem.

I got the same problem on MacOS. Installed with nix

tjex commented

this is also happening for me on a fresh install as of today.

tjex commented

The problem is that the script is checking if $DISPLAY env variable has a value, and if it doesn't it returns with the error.
But on modern mac systems we don't have $DISPLAY anymore. It comes from X11 days.

So I just removed the check entirely and it works. See here, this is the resulting script that runs when is installed locally (via the curl download).