chubin/ is down 🤯

sathishkannan162 opened this issue · 2 comments is not working. It seems the website is down.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 5 53 24 PM

After I discovered was down (Thursday afternoon), I wanted to start my own cheat server.

I found it was directing it's requests to, so I changed upstream.url to my own server instead, but that caused it to just cascade a bunch of requests to my own server.

I don't want fully-offline, I want the ability to host my own
(if we could do this, then we could even have a "list of known instances" so that people can still use it when the main instance is down)

In lib/adapter/, it says

    Answer to a programming language question, using Stackoverflow
    as the main data source. Heavy lifting is done by an external
    program `CONFIG["path.internal.bin.upstream"]`.

    If the program is not found, fallback to the superclass `UpstreamAdapter`,
    which queries the upstream server (by default
    for the answer

@chubin Where is this bin/upstream? Most of my requests to would be handled by it.

I think it would be a great benefit to programmers everywhere if that was open source as well. (even if e.g. we need a stackexchange api key or some large data dump somewhere)