
Unknown location/Capacity limit reached — will be back online at 0:00 UTC

vzaliva opened this issue · 41 comments

From command lineL

$ curl -s ''
Unknown location; please try ~43.0833231,-73.8712155⏎      

Thought I was the only one.
Even supplying the Airport code, or latlon coordinates, results in the same error.
It does return my actual latlon for the "please try ... " portion of the error msg, though

Fixed, please try again

seems to working for me now. Thanks

Fixed, please try again


I am still getting this message:

curl -s ''
Unknown location; please try ~42.6545,15.64523
Follow @igor_chubin for updates

yes, it re-appeared

t89 commented

Having the same issue. Querying the coordinates doesn't work, also.

Same here unfortunately

Sorry guys it was down for a couple of hours two days ago again, but it should be working since that

working again

t89 commented

Same error appearing again.

@t89 Thomas, thank you for the reporting.
It happens from time to time, but not too often (once a week, or a month, when the load is peaking). I work on stabilization of this part, and at some point the error should disappear completely

Hey @chubin

Sorry to comment on a closed issue, but I thought I should mention that the problem is happening again

Hope you are well!

@jorge-barreto Yes, we are experiencing an outage at the moment, many apologies. the service will be back online
in 10 hours.

It is fixed now

t89 commented

It is fixed now

It's broken again. 😆

Yes, it happens from time to time, but I am working on this

Seems another outage?

Please try now

Working~ thx ;)

Again today, but probing with the location does work this time

failing out...

And again ^^

Fixed; please test

working, thanks 👍

...and again.

@Rergis It was a different problem, but it is fixed now. Please test it, and please execuse me for the inconvenience

Hi, I set up fresh Monterey (macOS 12.0.1) on my new iMac.


leads to this error:-

Unknown location; please try ~<coordinates of my city>%

@timothevs I've just checked your command, and it works fine for me.

Let's try to debug it: what commands from the following list do work:

  1. curl
  2. curl<Your-Location>
  3. curl<Your-Location>?format=...


@chubin , thanks for the quick follow up. VERY strange. Now the command curl\?format\="%l:+%C+%t+(%f)+at+%T+%m\n" works as well, in addition to the three you mentioned.

Maybe it was a short outage of the data source; it happens from time to time, but not so often

I-Pch commented

I'm a bit sad this morning 😔 ...

wttr in outage

I can only hope it will get better soon 😊 ...

Oh, I wasn't aware 1M was the limit, I've been doing a request every minute for waybar, so 1.5K requests per day. Sorry about that, maybe I'm partially responsible! What would be a reasonable rate? And could this be helped with some caching?

Having this issue this morning.

doesn't work again...

This issue is back.

Oh, I wasn't aware 1M was the limit, I've been doing a request every minute for waybar, so 1.5K requests per day. Sorry about that, maybe I'm partially responsible! What would be a reasonable rate? And could this be helped with some caching?

I personally get weather information once every boot, store it in a txt file and use it in bar(get raw default data and get my needed data with tools like grep, sed, sort).if you want more accurate weather information, 3 times a day would be enough. believe me we can predict far more than 1 minute :p

@CheesyChocolate No, it is fine; we have some caching layers, so feel free to make more queries (as long as it is not 10 queries per second :)

Looks like the service has hit the 1M requests limit again:

Sorry, we processed more than 1M requests today and we ran out of our datasource capacity.
We hope to solve the problem as soon as possible, so you can enjoy
your favourite weather service 24x365 even if it rains or snows.

Has the service hit again the 1M requests limit again ?