
Cannot create db if RoundhousEFluentDiffingType is InitialDevelopment

codeprogression opened this issue · 6 comments

(Using roundhouse.lib from nuget.)

Getting this error when running with initialdevelopment on a local database with trusted connection.

INFO: Running RoundhousE v0.8.0.332 against (local) - Settlers.Specs.
INFO: Looking in ......\CP.Settlers.Migrations for scripts to run.

INFO: Setup, Backup, Create/Restore/Drop

INFO: Creating Settlers.Specs database on (local) server if it doesn't exist.
[WARN]: roundhouse.databases.sqlserver.SqlServerDatabase with provider System.Da
ta.SqlClient does not provide a facility for creating a database at this time.
A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (pr
ovider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the
[ERROR]: RoundhousE encountered an error.

If I create the db first, RH can drop it but still ends up not being able to recreate.

I was having this issue at some point as well, but was able to get past it. That was version 331 though... can you do me a favor and go to where it is setting the console logger and in the parentheses put true for debug. Curious if it is trying twice and getting that issue still.

Looks like it is running more than once. Tried to get log from ProgramData folder, but it is copying an older log rather than using the log just generated. Log copied from console is here:

Rob, I found that if I specify my connection via connectionstring rather than servername/databasename, that is when I get the issue.

Turn off app pooling in your connection string. With app pooling, sql server holds onto a connection that no longer has a database when the drop runs. Then it gives it to you, and even though you just successfully recreated the database, the connection was already corrupted.

That did the trick. Thanks!

I believe I finally fixed the issue! cf9ebbd