Option to have PRINT output show up in logs
Jaykul opened this issue · 6 comments
A lot of scripts have debugging-style PRINT statements in them (e.g. usp_GetDate.sql and 003_AppPermissionsWiring.sql from the sample). We need an option to have the output of those PRINT statements show up in console/log output when they're run by RoundhousE.
At least in SQL and Oracle it should just be a matter of handling the InfoMessage event on the connection (it's not on the base class, and I don't know anything about your other databases...) http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=344
Super awesome - this is going into 0.8.6 or the next release
This looks really interesting...when run.
Not sure yet if I like it or think it is getting too verbose. Right now the statements are running at INFO level, which is what all of the other messages run at.
Fixed in 39ce6b4
This is great, but what we really need bubbling back to the logger are all User Error Message events. Some of these get swallowed right now.
I would break the debug flag into multiple levels. That's what most *NIX utilities do.
@jzabroski Do you want to add a new ticket? I don't think we realized that some get swallowed. Definitely not what we want to happen.