
Annotation tools for Openseadragon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

osd-paperjs-annotation - Annotation tools for Openseadragon built with Paper.js

This project combines the OpenSeadragon zoomable image viewer with PaperJS-based annotations drawn into a synced zoomable overlay.

Quick start guide:

To get started with a basic overlay, only a couple lines of code are needed.

// import the PaperOverlay object. You need to be using a JavaScript module.
// if paper.js is not already included, it will be automatically loaded during import
import { PaperOverlay } from './src/js/paper-overlay.mjs';

// viewer creation, get reference to a TiledImage
let viewer = new OpenSeadragon({...});
let tiledImage = viewer.world.getItemAt(0);

// create a paper.js object
let myPaperItem = new paper.Path(...); // configure your paper item however you want

// add a PaperOverlay to the viewer

// add the paper.js item you've previously created to the overlay

// you can modify the paper.js item using normal paper.js functionality
myPaperItem.fillColor = 'blue';

// A special `rescale` property can be used to automatically adjust properties during zooming
myPaperItem.rescale = {strokeWidth: 2}

API Documentation:

See the JSDoc documentation pages for information about how to use the library.

Demo pages:

See the Demo pages to try out the functionality.

Digital Slide Archive Annotator

View and annotate slides from any Digital Slide Archive instance. Enter the base URL for the DSA in the box and press the "Open DSA" button. Some archives may have publically available slides to view, but to save changes you will need to be logged in.

YOLO Reviewer for DSA

Customized version of the Digital Slide Archive Annotator that adds tools specifically for reviewing and modifying bounding boxes for AI training.

To do

  • BlankCanvasTileSource for OpenSeadragon -- Allow an empty/blank image to be used as a drawing background, rather than an actual image

Necessary packages -temp

One time guide for documentation task runner: Goto directory in command prompt Npm install -g jsdoc npm install --g gulp gulp-babel gulp-jsdoc3 chokidar webpack-stream del path url npm install -g webpack webpack-cli webpack-stream terser-webpack-plugin path url

Gulp Directions

Open command prompt and goto build directory

Gulp Updater : updates bundle.js and does documentation whenever you save a file Gulp DocUpdater: only updates documentation whenever you save a file Gulp PackUpdater: only updates bundle.js whenever you save a file Gulp webpack: updates bundle.js Gulp doc: updates documentation Gulp Demo: Launches the rotional control demo on a local html address on your default browser