
Question : How to align the nodes to the left ?

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I would like to align the nodes to the left in order to have a fixed size for the content and the remaining space for the opposite content. There is a property nodeAlign in TimelineTile that used to compute the effective node position :

  double _getEffectiveNodePosition(BuildContext context) {
    if (nodeAlign == TimelineNodeAlign.start) return 0.0;
    if (nodeAlign == TimelineNodeAlign.end) return 1.0;
    var nodePosition = this.nodePosition;
    nodePosition ??= (node is TimelineTileNode)
        ? (node as TimelineTileNode).getEffectivePosition(context)
        : TimelineTheme.of(context).nodePosition;
    return nodePosition;

This property can't be used in TimelineTileBuilder so please what is the simplest way to define the nodeAlign ?

Try using nodePosition in TimelineTheme?

Check how it works here (Theme)

Great package !

Timeline.tileBuilder(theme: TimelineThemeData(connectorTheme: ConnectorThemeData(space: 51)))

Try using nodePosition in TimelineTheme?

Check how it works here (Theme)

nodePosition works but it's the a percentage between 0 and 1.
If the screen is too small then the oppositeContent width will shrink it's content.
What I'm looking for is a fixed width for oppositeContent and the remaining width for the content.

Timeline.tileBuilder(theme: TimelineThemeData(connectorTheme: ConnectorThemeData(space: 51)))

Connector's space is the space between the content and the oppositeContent, it's not the width of the oppositeContent.


I got it.

There is no option yet to provide the feature you are talking about.๐Ÿ˜ข

Since it uses Flexible internally, I think it is necessary to explicitly limit the size of the opossite content.

ok thank you ๐Ÿ˜„