
After save: position has wrong value

beatep opened this issue · 3 comments

Sorry, but I found another bug.

in behavior->beforeInsert the first value is 1 for the order column.

I had this in my grid (like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but after saving it was 0,1,2,3,4.
Could you reproduce this? I think it is because of this line:
$model->{$this->orderAttribute} = $order;
$order is the key, beginning with 0.

Very strange, btw: in a grid w/o sorting, the data-key value of an tr is the id of the model, like here:
In a sortable grid it is like this:
so data-sortable-id is the id of the model and data-key is the order column, I think?

data-key isn't sortable plugin data. data-key is ids of your models inside cycle of GridView.

and what about the position? I could fix this in the extension, but after composer update it's broken again.

it works from 0 ( right. it's big problem?

so data-sortable-id is the id of the model and data-key is the order column, I think?
is the id of the model if you are using ActiveDataProvider, but you are using ArrayDataProvider and 0, 1, 2, 3 is key of array with models.