
Add completion sources separate from edited ledger file

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Until such a time as this app is a 100% robust and feature complete hledger file editor (not the foreseeable future), I foresee keeping my main ledger data files separate and keeping a mobile only ledger file for data entry that I can sync/merge into the full fledged ledgers from a computer. This is also the workflow I'd want for quick mobile data entry (especially for my wife) that I expect to want to touch up later with perhaps missing tags or other extra information.

That puts completions (both payee and account) in an awkward position. For desktop editing I use a plugin that reads payees from a generated file that sees all the possible payees and a curated list of defined accounts (predefined so I can lint ledgers and reject ones that are not predefined).

I would like to use these sources on mobile too. This probably means being able to read a separate ledger and extract payees and accounts from there while editing a different file. That way the mobile ledger data could be periodically flushed out and moved to other files without loosing access to the payee and account completions.

chvp commented

I could add an extra setting for this, but it's probably pretty low on the priority list in relation to the other issues in this repo currently.

Sure, it would be behind edit/delete for me too. I can always pre-poppulate a ledger with some common accounts in a dummy transaction as a stand-in.

Realistically this is probably easier to add than the urgent edit/delete though ;-) Good luck! Sorry I'm not great with Android stuff.