
[ZendeskMessaging] - Login failure : HTTP 401 (No error message)

abdur-rohman opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently i am using 2.7.4 version, when i got this token and pass to login function this error occurred. I've checked the #3 and read this reference, but i didn't found the solution and what i am missed from the payload. Here is the jwt format:



When i was enabled the log and try to call the login with function and error occurred, there are no error message and given the error code only

W/AppActionProcessor( 6890): RealtimeConnectionStatusUpdate(connectionStatus=DISCONNECTED) cannot processed.
D/EffectMapper( 6890): Effect$IncorrectAccessLevel@eec3b3b has no public counterpart, skipping.
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890): [UTC 2023-06-05T01:22:02Z] Failed to login
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890): retrofit2.HttpException: HTTP 401 
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890):    at retrofit2.KotlinExtensions$await$2$2.onResponse(KotlinExtensions.kt:53)
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890):    at retrofit2.OkHttpCall$1.onResponse(
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890):    at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall$
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
E/AppActionProcessor( 6890):    at
D/EffectMapper( 6890): Effect LoginUserResult(, config=Config(app=App(id=642e3277be6a38011042d2f2, status=active, name=2322021, isMultiConvoEnabled=false), baseUrl=, integration=Integration(id=6433b6d72c3e28010e7b5117, canUserCreateMoreConversations=true, canUserSeeConversationList=true), restRetryPolicy=RestRetryPolicy(regular=60, aggressive=15, timeUnit=SECONDS, backoffMultiplier=2, maxRetries=5)), result=Failure(cause=retrofit2.HttpException: HTTP 401 ), clientId=5f6b489b-4ec9-4966-88d9-7d33e688a1e6) has no public counterpart, skipping.
I/System.out( 6890): [ZendeskMessaging] - Login failure : HTTP 401 
I/System.out( 6890): retrofit2.HttpException: HTTP 401
