
Transparent background on figcaption

ericabao opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi guys any idea how to make an rgba background works? I have tried it but it seems not working... I just want to use a semi transparent figcaption background.


Using semi transparent backgrounds will vary depending on the effect. Which effect are you using?


Which effects work for transparent?

one year later, still waiting

The background element to the caption on hover varies from effect to effect. In most cases the following will work which covers most elements. Note in some cases the backgound image has been transformed to be no longer available or no longer front facing.

[class^="imghvr-"] figcaption, 
[class*=" imghvr-"] figcaption,
[class*=" imghvr-"]:before,
[class*=" imghvr-"]:after {
	background-color: rgba(19, 87, 150, .5) !important;	

Where 19, 87, 150 is the RGB color and .5 is the transparency.


will test it in my project when i get home, thank you :D