
[Enhancement] scrobble based on album artist

patrulea opened this issue · 2 comments

The scrobbler on this app is great. I love the “Remove featured artists from song title” (which I think should be labeled “Remove featured artists from artist field) feature. Apple Music scrobbles are too cluttered by default and this feature helps a bunch.

Though, I’d like to be able to toggle between that feature and another one which would allow you to scrobble based on the song’s album artist. Other scrobblers already allow this (see Marvis Pro Last.fmᐩ) and scrobbles usually come off better. Specially when it comes to duet artists like Wisin & Yandel or single artists with ampersands in their names like Brown & Gammon. The current implementation would result in mistakenly scrobbling Wisin and Brown instead.

Wrong. Repository.

Cider is here


also maybe shoutout the Cider repo on so we newcomers stay in the loop