Milestone Blog App

Expected Outcome

ScreenRecording2024-02-02at13 25 55-ezgif com-speed

Blog App Backend (Blog API)


Folder/File Structure:

Milestone Blog App

├── public
|    ├── assets
|    |   └── loading.gif
├── src
|    ├── app
|    │   └── store.tsx
|    ├── components
|    │   ├── auth
|    │   │   ├── LoginFom.tsx
|    │   │   └── RegisterForm.tsx
|    │   ├── blog
|    │   │   ├── BlogsCard.tsx
|    │   │   ├── CommentCard.tsx
|    │   │   ├── CommentForm.tsx
|    │   │   ├── DeleteModal.tsx
|    │   │   ├── Icons.tsx
|    │   │   ├── NewBlogForm.tsx
|    │   │   └── UpdateModal.tsx
|    │   ├── Footer.tsx
|    │   └── NavBar.tsx
|    ├── features
|    │   ├── authSlice.tsx
|    │   ├── blogSlice.tsx
|    │   ├── categorySlice.tsx
|    │   └── commentSlice.tsx
|    ├── helper
|    │   └── ToastNotify.tsx
|    ├── hooks
|    │   ├── useAuthCall.tsx
|    │   ├── useAxios.tsx
|    │   ├── useBlogCall.tsx
|    │   ├── useCategoryCall.tsx
|    │   └── useCommentCall.tsx
|    ├── pages
|    │   ├── About.tsx
|    │   ├── BlogDetail.tsx
|    │   ├── Dashboard.tsx
|    │   ├── Login.tsx
|    │   ├── MyBlog.tsx
|    │   ├── NewBlog.tsx
|    │   ├── Profile.tsx
|    │   └── Register.tsx
|    ├── router
|    |    ├── AppRouter.tsx
|    |    └── PrivateRouter.tsx
|    ├── App.css
|    ├── App.tsx
|    ├── index.css
|    ├── main.tsx
|    ├── types.d.ts
|    └── vite-env.d.ts
├── index.html
├── pacgage.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.node.json
├── vercel.json
└── vite.config.ts

Installed Packages:

  • @emotion/react: ^11.11.3
  • @emotion/styled: ^11.11.0
  • @mui/icons-material: ^5.15.3
  • @mui/material: ^5.15.3
  • @reduxjs/toolkit: ^2.0.1
  • @types/react-redux: ^7.1.33
  • axios: ^1.6.4
  • formik: ^2.4.5
  • react: ^18.2.0
  • react-dom: ^18.2.0
  • react-redux: ^9.0.4
  • react-router-dom: ^6.21.1
  • react-toastify: ^9.1.3
  • redux-persist: ^6.0.0
  • yup: ^1.3.3


The Blog App is a React-based application designed for creating and managing blog posts. It provides features for users to register, login, create, edit, and delete blog posts efficiently.

Technologies Used

  • MUI and MUI icons: Material-UI components and icons for building a sleek and responsive user interface.
  • Axios: A library for making HTTP requests, used for handling data fetching and sending operations.
  • Redux/Redux Toolkit: State management libraries for managing application-wide state and data flow.
  • React Router DOM: Navigation library for handling routing and navigation within the application.
  • Formik and Yup: Libraries for simplifying form management and validation in React applications.
  • TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static type definitions, enhancing code quality and developer productivity.


  • Authentication: User authentication system with registration and login functionality.
  • CRUD Operations: Ability to create, read, update, and delete blog posts.
  • Form Management with Formik and Yup: Build and manage forms easily with Formik while ensuring data validation with Yup.
  • Responsive UI with Material-UI: Utilize Material-UI components and icons to create a responsive and visually appealing user interface.
  • Efficient Data Fetching with Axios: Fetch data from external APIs or backend servers efficiently using Axios.
  • Enhanced Routing with React Router DOM: Implement dynamic routing and navigation within the application to enhance user experience.


To install and run the Blog App locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Install project dependencies using pnpm install.
  4. Start the development server with pnpm run dev.
  5. Access the application at localhost:5173 in your web browser.


Once the application is running, users can register/login and perform CRUD operations on blog posts. Navigate through the various sections to perform relevant operations.


Contributions to the Blog App project are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please open a pull request with your proposed changes. Feedback and suggestions for improvements are also appreciated.


The backend of the Blog App is powered by the BlogAPI project. Below are the details of the backend:


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.