
output log filename when set up rolling by date

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 I have set up a log filename rolling by date, the filename is search.log. when i start the program, i find that it output log infomation into search.log.2016-12-15-01,and it generates a new file with date+hour  one hour. 
 And i plan to use it as log4cplus. i set up it by rolling by date, and the filename is search.log, i hope that it can wirte log information into search.log at 2016.12.15  01hour,  and it move the search.log.2016-12-15-01 at 2016.12.15 02hour start, and it generate a new search.log,  it write search.log  in all in 2016.12.12 02hours.
Hope for your replies.

Best wishes