
Projects organization

saramgsilva opened this issue · 2 comments


I understood the difference between Cimbalino.Toolkit and Cimbalino.Toolkit.Core, and like we talked before, I always look for the code file in WP8.0, but sometimes I lost time to file the original file code and another thing Is to understand which feature the toolkit has in the different targets.

I would like to suggest the following struture:

Cimbalino.Toolkit (for each target like we have)
Cimbalino.Toolkit.Shared (the shared project with all files and using compile directives like you have now)

the same for Cimbalino.Toolkit.Core

With this, the files code are in the same folder or in the target only it belongs.

If you ran code analyze like NDepend you will see a warning related with the fact the files are not in the same has the project.

Though this seems easier, it does complicate for specific implementations!

Right now one should search for an implementation in WP8 project, then WPA81, then Win81, adding an extra Shared will just make you search in yet another place...

I did a couple of tests over this in the past, and ended up dropping it because visually, it was easier just to add the linked files in the projects instead of having to look in to separate places for them!