
Add StatusBar/SystemTray support to WP8/WPA81

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Add StatusBar / SystemTray support to WP8/WPA81

I'm thinking in splitting this in two parts:

  • A full StatusBarBehavior with bindable properties for BackgroundColor, ForegroundColor, Text, IsVisible, Opacity, IsIndeterminate, Value
  • A smaller IStatusBarService that matches the following interface:
public interface IStatusBarService
    Task ShowAsync(string text);

    Task ShowAsync(string text, bool isIndeterminate);

    Task ShowAsync(string text, double value);

    Task HideAsync();

This will result in the following scenarios:

  • Want to change the default colors and/or opacity of the StatusBar? Add the behavior to the page.
  • Want to update the StatusBar with bindings? Add the behavior to the page.
  • Want to update the StatusBar without bindings? Use the service.

Comments? :)

Sounds good to me.

Service has been added, closing this now as Behavior will probably be done at a later time...