
Disable sync notification error

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi! Is it possible to have an option to disable the spamming of notification? I have taskwhisper installed on my laptop, and looks like it is spamming sync error notification whenever there are error during synchronisation with tw server (e.g. wifi being off/disconnected). Note that this actually had happened over half a year now but I just never had bothered to report it.

There are new notification every few seconds.


Just to add I'm experiencing this as well: Fedora 36, Gnome 42.4, Taskwhisperer version 23.
Would be wonderful if this could be silenced -- from the user perspective, sync is working just fine, but the intermittent alerts are very annoying...
Note - I'm connected via ethernet to a very stable university line, so disconnects shouldn't be an issue...

Thanks for the fantastic extension!