
Documentation doesn't say it needs Graphene

ebaudrez opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there, the extension requires Graphene, but the documentation doesn't say that (neither in nor in It was easy enough to figure it out using Looking Glass, but I wouldn't expect every user to know about it (I didn't before I started troubleshooting :).

Kind regards!

Hi & thanks for the report,

i always thought graphene is a bounded part of gnome as the shipped UI has several dependencies to graphene

i use graphen only for a fade effect in the list view and which is in fact not even enabled in the released build (i always wanted to add it as a settings, but i am super lazy), i can implement it differently if this matters for you.

Can you elaborate how it comes that you do not use graphene?

Hello, thanks for replying. i don't know why, but on openSUSE Leap (both 15.2 and the latest official release, 15.3) typelib-1_0-Graphene doesn't appear to be a required component. I can remove typelib-1_0-Graphene-1_0 without breaking any dependencies on a Gnome desktop. The base library libgraphene-1_0-0 is required by gstreamer-plugins-base, though, but without the typelib, the plugin won't work.

okay, that is interesting. tbh i have only a rough understanding of that. But it seems it could affect a lot of other users as well, so i will think about a solution

tbh the easy way out is to adapt the documentation. this extension does just that in the section Prerequisites.