
Samples stutter when using OpenVR in Debug Win32

Opened this issue · 9 comments

This is a known issue. It may be related to the driver. Will investigate.

Hey Hai! I'm seeing the same thing on the Rift.

Hey Simon,

Thanks for checking it out! Which hardware and driver version are you running?

CV1, GTX1070, i7 6700k and latest drivers.
Let me do a few more tests.

The difference is really big but maybe it's just the usual Release/Debug thing on windows?
Here's a few screenshots with the "App Render Timings"; (the compositor is absolutely fine in Debug mode):

CoordSysBasics Debug Win32


CoordSysBasics Debug x64


CoordSysBasics Release Win32


CoordSysBasics Release x64


Thanks for the numbers and screenshots. I assume you're using the Oculus SDK and not going through OpenVR?

I don't know, does the vr::Context automatically pick the right API? (I'm running your samples untouched...)
edit: Actually it's pretty obvious that it's using the Oculus Sdk as I have this annoying fireplace popping up every time I launch a sample.

Lets leave this open to see if there's more reports of this. I can't seem to reproduce this on my setup.

I'm also seeing lag on Win32, and x64 too, although it's not nearly as bad there. On x64 the samples barely hold ~30fps in Debug as opposed to running solidly at ~90fps in Release.

My setup:
Vive, GTX 980Ti 6GB, i7 3770K 3.5GHz, 16GB RAM, Camera on @ 30fps, Bluetooth on

Tried disabling bluetooth/camera, but it has no effect on the frame rate. Interestingly though, and I suppose this might be expected behavior, but the Steam VR menu seems to run at full 90fps even when the Cinder sample is at 30fps.