To boldy go where no javascript framework has gone before. A conventional and opionated javascript framework build ontop of MithrilJs with developer productivty in mind.
The Dilithium codebase is divided into three departments:
- Command - common views you can extend eg. List, Show, Collection
- Sciences - common components eg. Field, Form, Popup
- Operations - core functionality eg. Api, Model, View
Install all the dependencies
npm i
We use a Cakfile. This is similar to a Rubyfile but its for coffescript. In order to use the cake command you'll to need globally install coffescript
npm i --global coffeescript
To compile the code:
cake compile
The compiled code will output to the build
npm 2.0 supprts installing local packages with the following command:
npm i --save /path/to/dilithium.js
you'll see something like this in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"dilithium-js": "file:../../dilithium.js"