
Image URLs with query strings aren't matched

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This was originally reported as a bug on It looks like if an image has a query string appended to the end of it, our current matching pattern won't catch the URL as being an image link. In order to work around this, I think we'd need to strip the query string before testing our URLs.

My main hesitation here is adding more regex on what's already a pretty wide-reaching search. I think the following JS would do the job, but I'll need to do some testing on both the actual matching as well as any possible performance issues.

 * Strips query strings and hash elements from a given string.
 * @since  0.2.1
 * @return string
function stripQuery( index, element ) {
    return element.replaceAll( ( '(\\?.*|\\#.*)' ), '' );

 * Checks href targets to see if a given anchor is linking to an image.
 * @since  0.1.0
 * @return mixed
function testImages( index, element ) {
    var $href = $( element ).attr( 'href' ).toLowerCase();
    return /(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|tiff|bmp)$/.test( stripQuery( $href ) );

This also looks like it would probably do the job without regex:

 * Checks href targets to see if a given anchor is linking to an image.
 * @since  0.1.0
 * @return mixed
function testImages( index, element ) {
    return /(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|tiff|bmp)$/.test(
        $( element ).attr( 'href' ).toLowerCase().split( '?' )[0].split( '#' )[0]

I'm guessing this would probably be better performance-wise, but again testing is needed.

This is fixed and seems to be working as expected. Closing this out, but may open another issue for performance at some point.