
Only compare replays most likely to be replay steals

Closed this issue · 1 comments

tybug commented

Determining replays that shouldn't be downloaded is a bit out of scope for this issue (too many different cases, very large potential to have unintended results) but we can provide an option to pass a predicate function to determine if two replays should be compared. Similar to include, but for comparisons. Both Replay objects will be provided so users can choose to compare or not compare based on acc/mods/user id/any other metric. This can later be extended to some form of generic setting that will cover use cases for both include and this new option.

Also possibly provide several presets (STRICT, NORMAL, LOOSE, ALL), with decreasing amounts of comparisons rejected until ALL which does not filter any. Only compare same mod replays within x% and od-affecting mods within a larger percentage. Similarly for misses or otherwise.

Supersedes #74 and #73.

tybug commented

This issue is a relic of older versions of circleguard and is no longer even slightly applicable as of 5.0.0. Consumers should implement their own heuristic if they would like to mimic this proposed behavior.