
Change JTAC LASER CODE F-10 menu Option

Opened this issue · 1 comments


In line 113 of one of the oldest CTLD versions I attach, it was added a very useful option to change the lasercodes of the deployed via CTLD JTACs.

It would be a very nice upgrade for your latest CTLD version (ctld.Version = "202401.01").

Thank you in advance for your actions.

Joachim "=GR= Panthir" TSINTILAS from Lock-On Greece Virtual SQN

While this is nice and very simple to add at this time, it's a lot of radio menus to be adding and there is a limit. You could have a couple of alternate codes only but that would take most of the interest away from this change, I would say.

The way that this could currently be implemented would also lead to trouble since when radio menus refresh (every 2 minutes or so), every command ID gets changed, but the clients don't get that update on the ID's until you exit and come back in the menus. What I'm trying to say is that commands sent by players in between refreshes will trigger random things and that happens relatively often.

The less options in the F10 menu, the better, especially since this one can ruin someone else's bomb run and might be triggered randomly.

One thing that can be investigated is whether or not handling radio menus on a difference basis would mitigate the issue. I have a suspicion that if one command is deleted, all of the other IDs change as well at least within a submenu.