
Spawn a new crate of the same weight as the old one, the old one dissappears

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Spawn a new crate of the same weight as the old one, the old one dissappears, different weights stick around, but same weight, the old one dissappears, I think this started right around when 1.5.5 came out 2 patches ago

is this only for real sling load crates or the simulated ones as well?

Thanks for the report

Real sling loaded crates, I found the issue, mist.getNextUnitId() (for _unitId) keeps giving me a value of 140000 over and over again, for now I tried a dirty workaround, math.random(100000000,200000000) and it spawned new crates

Well that's odd.

What version of mist?

Afaik the mist function is literally just add one and return

I'll patch round away today and start 100,000 higher or something

Thanks for solving it as well :)

Mist is version 4.3.73 , yes it is pretty odd, I prob should of looked into it more, but have been running with my head cutt off like usual (short on time lol)

Should be fixed in the new release 👍