
Crashes when using spawnGroupAtTrigger

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This is a weird one and may not be an issue with CTLD at all.

I am using spawnGroupAtTrigger to create a group at a location a few miles away from the player helicopter.

The group is created, and the payer can fly to it just fine, BUT, if the radio menu is bought up when within a few hundred meters of the created group, DCS crashes. Not always, but very often.

When I say radio menu, I don't mean just the CTLD menu, the radio menu at any point in the menu tree causes the crash.

It seems like, not 100% but fairly sure, that the crash doesn't happen if the created group consists only of mortar units.

I've tried not allowing troops to search for enemy but it didn't make a difference (there are no enemy in the mission anyway).

Has this ever come up before with CTLD? The issue could be in DCS or even my mission generator but I just wanted to see if it was a known issue.

That sounds very odd... Never heard or seen that before!

Can you post a small sample & your DCS logs?

Will do, I'll test with the newest CTLD and MIST first.

The updated CTLD and MIST didn't help.

I've attached the crash logs and the mission file.

DCS crash
Flight-0009 D03 TRNSPRT A to B 0900H 15C CLD1-10 AT5900 TO6900 WND10 FRM140

tried replicating in the latest version but not seeing the crash... Maybe its fixed? I'll keep looking

Did you try it with the attached mission? if so it may be a problem with my particular setup.

Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

I did but i'll try to test more soon! Its worth reporting that on the forum if you can replicate it in a very basic mission.