
Flying JTAC automatiq orbiting and following targets (5 CTLD functions)

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-- Automatic put in orbit of a flying JTAC (IA) (example a drone) (FullGas le 24/5/2019)

-- Objective : this script put in orbit 1 or more apparatus IA near a detected target
-- Associated with CTLD/JTAC function, we can assign a fly route to a drone for example,
-- this on follow it, and start orbiting when he detect a target.
-- As soon as it don't detect a target, it restart following its route
-- Use : In mission editor:
-- 1> Charge MIST + CTLD
-- 2> Create a TRIGGER (once) at Time sup à 6, and a ACTION.EXECUTE SCRIPT :
-- ctld.JTACAutoLase("gdrone1", 1688,false) -- défine group "gdrone1" as a JTAC
-- ctld.TreatOrbitJTAC() -- run automatic treating of JTACs orbiting

ctld.OrbitInUse = {} -- for each Orbit group in use, indicates the time of the run

-- Automatic JTAC orbit on target detect
function ctld.TreatOrbitJTAC()
for k,v in pairs(ctld.jtacUnits) do -- vérify state of each active JTAC
if ctld.jtacCurrentTargets[k] ~= nil then -- if detected target by JTAC
if ctld.InOrbitList(k) == false then -- JTAC have a target but isn't in orbit => put it in orbit
ctld.StartOrbitGroup(k, ctld.jtacCurrentTargets[k].name, 2000, 100) -- do orbit JTAC
ctld.OrbitInUse[k] = timer.getTime() -- memorise time of start new orbiting
else -- JTAC already is orbiting => update coord for following the target mouvements
if timer.getTime() > (ctld.OrbitInUse[k] + 60) then -- each 60" update orbit coord
ctld.AjustRoute(k, ctld.NearWP(ctld.jtacCurrentTargets[k].name, k)) -- ajust JTAC route for the orbit follow the target
elseif ctld.jtacCurrentTargets[k] == nil then -- if JTAC hav no target
if ctld.InOrbitList(k) == true then -- JTAC orbiting, without target => stop orbit
Group.getByName(k):getController():resetTask() -- stop orbit JTAC
ctld.OrbitInUse[k] = nil -- Reset orbit
mist.scheduleFunction(ctld.TreatOrbitJTAC, {}, timer.getTime()+3) -- re-run each 3"

-- Make orbit the group "_grpName", on target "_unitTargetName". _alti in meters, speed in km/h
function ctld.StartOrbitGroup(_grpName, _unitTargetName, _alti, _speed)
if (Unit.getByName(_unitTargetName) ~= nil) and (Group.getByName(_grpName) ~= nil) then -- si target unit and JTAC group exist
local orbit = {
id = 'Orbit',
params = {
pattern = 'Circle',
point = mist.utils.makeVec2(mist.getAvgPos(mist.makeUnitTable({_unitTargetName}))),
speed = _speed,
altitude = _alti,
ctld.OrbitInUse[_grpName] = true

-- test if one unitName already is targeted by a JTAC
function ctld.InOrbitList(_grpName)
for k, v in pairs(ctld.OrbitInUse) do -- for each orbit in use
if k == _grpName then
return true
return false

-- return the WayPoint number (on the JTAC route) the most near from the target
function ctld.NearWP(_unitTargetName, _grpName)
local WP = 0
local memoDist = nil -- Lower distance checked
local JTACRoute = mist.getGroupRoute (_grpName, true) -- get the initial editor route of the current group

    if Group.getByName(_grpName):getUnit(1) ~= nil and Unit.getByName(_unitTargetName) ~= nil then	--JTAC et unit must exist
        for i=1, #JTACRoute do
         	local ptJTAC   = {x = JTACRoute[i].x, y = JTACRoute[i].y}
            local ptTarget = mist.utils.makeVec2(Unit.getByName(_unitTargetName):getPoint())
            local dist = mist.utils.get2DDist(ptJTAC, ptTarget)		-- distance between 2 points
	        if memoDist == nil then
                memoDist = dist
                WP = i
            elseif dist < memoDist then
                memoDist = dist
                WP = i
return WP


-- Modify the route deleting all the WP before "firstWP" param, for aligne the orbit on the nearest WP of the target
function ctld.AjustRoute(_grpName, firstWP)
local JTACRoute = mist.getGroupRoute (_grpName, true) -- get the initial editor route of the current group
for i=0, #JTACRoute-1 do
if firstWP+i <= #JTACRoute then
JTACRoute[i+1] = JTACRoute[firstWP+i] -- replace keeped WP at start of new route
JTACRoute[i+1] = nil -- delete useless WP

local Mission = {} 	
Mission = { 
            id = 'Mission', 
             params = { 
                       route = {points = JTACRoute
-- unactive orbit mode if it's on
if ctld.InOrbitList(_grpName) == true then					-- if JTAC orbiting => stop it
	Group.getByName(_grpName):getController():resetTask()	-- stop JTAC orbiting
    ctld.OrbitInUse[_grpName] =  nil

Group.getByName(_grpName):getController():setTask(Mission)	-- submit the new route
return Mission


-- tests
--return ctld.NearWP('BTR_2__1', 'gdrone2')
--return mist.utils.tableShow(ctld.AjustRoute('gdrone2', ctld.NearWP('BTR_2__1', 'gdrone2')))
--return ctld.NearWP('BTR_2__1', 'gdrone2')

-- Sorry to CIRIBOB, I don't know how to do a pull request uploading in the lua code ! :)