
Early semester schedule tweak

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I'm not happy with the tidy eval lesson (see #369). I don't have clear learning objectives and I'm not sure how the students will receive it. Instead do the following:

  • Cut tidyeval
  • Move debugging/defensive programming and reprex up a day
  • Move reproducible workflows to Sept 28 (currently reprex)
  • Keep quarto documents as is
  • Extend Git workflows back out to two days like originally intended (or make it an open office hours day for homework progress and peer support?)

Along with this, need to:

  • Adjust homework 5
    • Need to remove any Quarto components - haven't covered it yet
    • Keep babynames R script debugging
    • Add some reprexes?
    • Something else to flesh it out
    • Make it due October 4th
  • Adjust homework 6
    • Keep it open-ended and bring your own data/what not
    • Make them publish it as a basic Quarto website
    • Create a basic 10 slide presentation using reveal.js not this semester
    • Anything else?
    • Keep it due October 18th
  • Create a homework assignment just for Git?