
Function names changed in v2.3.5.0 libs all function got added with 2 though no change in DNAC APIs

Closed this issue · 1 comments


  • Have you tested the operation in the API directly?
  • [ Yes] Do you have the latest SDK version?
  • Review the compatibility matrix before opening an issue.

Describe the bug
All the function names for module: dnacentersdk/api/v2_3_5_3/
are changed and got added 2 in it.
def device_count_details2(self,
def device_license_summary2(self,
def device_license_details2(self,
Expected behavior
Function names should be restored as in version so there is no break for any user or ansible users.

Please provide an screenshot of the successful API call with cuRL, Postman, etc.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Cisco DNA Center Version and patch:
  • Python version:
  • SDK version:
  • OS Version:

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi @DNACENSolutions please verify it in new SDK version, and let us know how does it goes.