
Constancy in "offset" and "limit" implementation by using datatype to be either "Int" or "string"

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • Have you tested the operation in the API directly?
  • Do you have the latest SDK version?

Describe the bug
when using offset and limit for large API outputs, some methods in sdk are using "string" datatype for offset and others are using "int" data type
api.devices.get_device_list( limit:int, offset: int))
api.tag.get_tag_members_by_id(tag_id, "networkdevice",offset:str ,limit:str )

Expected behavior
Consistency in datatype for "offset" and "limit".

Please provide an screenshot of the successful API call with cuRL, Postman, etc.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Cisco DNA Center Version and patch: Any
  • Python version: 3.9.10
  • SDK version: 2.5.4
  • OS Version: Windows10 / Ubuntu 20.4

Additional context

Hi @ragadegithub
dnacentersdk v2.5.6. is available. Offset and limit now support both string and int for Cisco DNA Center version
Feel free to test it and close or comment if necessary.

verified the current requirement is available in dnacentersdk==2.5.6