
Link error when compiling with libarchive on Debian 11

firthmj opened this issue · 1 comments

I installed libarchive, because the configure process warned that it was not found.

However, when trying to build, the build then failed with a group of "undefined reference" errors for things from the libarchive library (e.g. "archive_read_new") in the "eal_firmware.c" file.

I suspect the fix is to add the equivalent of "-larchive" somewhere, but it isn't possible for me to work out how to do that in the "waf" system.

I removed libarchive again and the build completed successfully (but obviously without that part enabled)

This is on the latest patch version of Debian 11.

it seems it is already supported
the WAF code check if it is installed and add it, maybe you installed it after ./b configure ?

    conf.env.DPDK_WITH_ARCHIVE = False
    if conf.check_cxx(lib = 'archive', errmsg = 'Could not find libarchive', mandatory = False):
        conf.env.DPDK_WITH_ARCHIVE = True