How to understand dashboard stats?
noobcoderT opened this issue · 2 comments
Thanks for providing such a good opensource traffic generator.
I'm now using trex and trex-stateless-gui to do some base tests, a loopback scenario, but I'm confused how to understand the test out on GUI dashboard.
I have set up a traffic profile to use 50% L1 BW of Intel 82599 10Gbps NIC, as shown below.
On the dashboard, the total Tx/Rx L2 bps were both 4.33G, port0 sent 5Gbps L1 and 4.33 Gbps L2, but port1 received only 4.33Gbps L1 and 676.22Mbps L2, more stange is that port1 Rx pps was 4.23Mpps, the same as port0's Tx pps. This 4.23Mpps is just equal to 4.33Gbps because the packet size is 128 bytes.
So how can I understand these stats?
Another way to get these stats is using ./trex-console --tui
. Normally there should be no discrepancy between GUI and TUI - we will recheck this.