
Spotifious not responding

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I love this workflow and it normally works great, but I've had a lot of issues with it being non-responsive.

For instance, when I first open it, usually by playing a playlist, nothing happens and I have to repeat the step a second time to get a response. Sometimes that never works and I need to open Spotify first before it will work.

Anyone else having these issues?

Are you starting the playlist through the plugin? If so you might be using Spotify Mini Player, not Spotifious.

I have been unable to verify anything for the past weeks because I am in a different country with no Spotify service :(

Ah! I actually have both enabled so that's my first problem. But it turns out both aren't really working for me after the Alfred3 update so I might have to go without them for a while.

You might want to check out #75

Spotify Mini Player and Spotifious don't conflict :)

I think actually the conflict wasn't between the workflows, it was in me not realizing which one I was using when :p

oh, then, WONTFIX user error 😛

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well played.