
Slime-repl not working in Aquamacs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Installed ClojureX and ran ./configure_emacs to set up my .emacs file. Loading up Aquamacs, and calling M-x slime brings up a slime-repl window as it should, but attempting to evaluate any code in the repl doesn't work. Basically, the return key to evaluate an expression (e.g. (+ 2 2)) causes cursor to move down a line instead of evaluating the current line. This same process works no problem in carbon emacs. This same thing also happened when using leiningen and lein swank, then M-x slime-connect to get access to the slime repl.

Honestly, I'm not sure if ClojureX is part of the problem. I can't get slime-repl to work via any clojure install method in aquamacs. Perhaps there's a missing config statement in .emacs? Any help is much appreciated.

I'm a bit clueless here, while I still used Aquamacs it always worked for me.

no problem - like I said, good chance it's not even your configuration...just that I searched all over to find someone with similar problem and coundn't so figured I'd ask someone I knew had same config. Will just use carbon emacs until I get it figured out. Thanks for the project!

Emacs config not part of ClojureX anymore => closing.