
‘No such export’ despite setup properly and inline with cfx syntax

cmrncs opened this issue · 4 comments


I am learning LUA, and currently in development of a radial menu that my players can use to perform emotes, actions and in this case, I am attempting to implement a part of the menu that allows medics to revive using it. Because this is a separate resource, I am using exports to access the functions within the esx_ambulancejob resource. However, despite to my belief the script is throwing an error when attempting to access the GetDeath() function within esx_ambulancejob.

The exact error message I am recieving is:

and here is a partial part of the radial menu:

ESX = nil
    while true do
        if ESX ~= nil then
            ESX = nil
            TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
local isJudge = false
local isPolice = false
local isMedic = false
local isDoctor = false
local isNews = false
local isInstructorMode = false
local myJob = "unemployed"
local isHandcuffed = false
local isHandcuffedAndWalking = false
local hasOxygenTankOn = false
local gangNum = 0
local cuffStates = {}
rootMenuConfig =  {
        id = "general",
        displayName = "General",
        icon = "#globe-europe",
        enableMenu = function()
        fuck = exports["esx_ambulancejob"]:GetDeath()
            return not fuck
        subMenus = {"general:flipvehicle",  "general:checkoverself", "general:checktargetstates",  "general:keysgive",  "general:emotes",  "general:checkvehicle", "general:apartgivekey", "general:aparttakekey"  }

Here is my fxmanifest.lua for the st_menu resource:

client_script {

export "esx_ambulancejob"

ui_page "html/ui.html"

files {

Any and all help is appreciated. I am willing to try anything and everything again, as I have tried many solutions to this to no avail.

Thanks in advance, Cameron.

If esx_ambulancejob is supposed to export GetDeath, but doesn't, how is that a problem with

This looks like an issue with esx_ambulancejob. Please contact the respective author.

Exports seems to work fine for the ambulance job, I am purely asking for support on the exports usage, as I seem to be doing everything fine, yet it is still not working. I figured this hub would have experts and could possibly give me a hand.


Best to ask on our forums or Discord then, we have many active and knowledgeable members over there. GitHub is not the place for support.